About QRF
Christopher Phillips
Founder and Chair, Board of Directors, QRF
US Army
NXP N2 Manufacturing Supervisor, Chandler, Arizona
I served as an Infantryman in the Army for 11 years where I completed four combat tours overseas, two to Afghanistan and two to Iraq. In 2019, a Team Member I mentored took his own life after he served in the Army. When he took his own life it brought back tons of memories of fallen comrades that had made it through incredibly tough situations while in the military, but committed suicide after their service: 15 soldiers to the left and right of my formations. I just thought that was crazy. Our friends said it was the 4-17 curse.
I was medically retired in 2015, just after I made SSG and thought I had my whole career planned out. I finished Pre-Ranger School and was scheduled to go to Ranger in the July or August timeframe. I was getting my Squad ready and collapsed out of nowhere. From there I went to the ER and no one knew what really happened. I started wearing a heart monitor and after three days with it on, I reported to a Cardiologist. Little did I know my life was going to completely change. I was told I had to get a Pacemaker since my heart was randomly stopping for 3-5 seconds (AV Block).
Within 3 months I was forced to retire. I had very little direction and very little support.
By September I was at my worst state of drinking liquor and taking whatever the VA wanted to give me for pills (mainly sleeping and antidepressants). One night I got into my own head and decided to try and take my own life. Next thing you know I had a night terror that woke my friend up in the other room and when he saw the empty pill bottle he went into action by making me throw everything up. I thank God that his wife was a RN to give him steps on everything to do and there was a medic down the road to give me some IV fluids.
And out of this very near tragedy, Quality Resilience Fitness was born. So for me, QRF is very personal and is one of the most important things in my life. Fitness and community are two of the primary reasons I am no longer in that mindset any longer and I hope to help as many veterans as possible reclaim their mental and physical health.